Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dilemma of a Law student

When I enter law school I knew that I’m going to face a lot of changes but I never expected that things would turn out that way. Law school life was entirely different from  the guileless  life I had from my college life.  Still I continue my dream of becoming a Lawyer, conquering every challenge that Law school brings. But aside from the cruel practice that Law school has, a law student shall also surpass the ultimate test of pressure. It is indeed inevitable for once life not to meet pressure. But a law student’s pressure seems so hard to overcome. Harder than the exams and recitations; Harder than expected.  A law student is expected to be not just bright but excellent.  And this is one of the pressure I often encounter. People expect answers from you for every question they raised. Failure is something they won’t think you’ll be encountering.  If  you answered their  questions and made them satisfied then that’s a fact but when you failed to answer and give them something they least expected that’s a big issue.  I remember this girl I met few months ago, we were in the same training and as expected examination is part of it. I was so surprised when she approached me and sarcastically gave her apology. What the hell is this girl talking? Yes I expected to fail on that exam, but I never expected such rude thing from her. I’m not competitive, never in my life I felt that way. I just do everything I wanted to do. I give my effort  but expect nothing for most of the time get disappointed.  I wanted to shout in front of her face and tell her that I’m not Google to know everything; That I don’t want to compete with her since that is not my forte; That I am not bright as everyone thought and that I could not answer all questions as they’re all expected.  But I can’t blame her and besides she’s not the only person who did that to me. Should I say I’m used to it? The next big thing you have to live with law school life is the demanding schedule.  More than I expected, law school is more than a partner’s request to stay and give him time. Law school would definitely deprive you from life’s pleasure. While everyone is partying every Friday night, enjoying a lunch out with the entire family during weekend, attending every event for socialization, but you? You just found yourself  either inside your room devoting much of your time reading all those cases and contemplating with each laws you have to study or inside the cold library doing the same thing.  But again, I’m used to it. I can’t even remember the latest movie I watched, the last time I got drank and the time I spent nothing but staring at the sky as what I used to do when I’m not yet in the law school.  The two weeks sembreak  is like a year of vacation for us; that  everyone get excited as if we could do everything we missed for the entire semester.  Sembreak is the only time we could make it up with people whom we really want to spend time but law school won’t permit us. And once the two week semestral break is over we have to go back again inside our cave do the same habit and continue striving for what we aim from the very start. The last thing is our identity crisis. Yes, we wanted to be called Attorney. It’s overwhelming when people call you that. But is in it good to hear people introducing you to other people as their true friend or anything that would exactly defines your personality not your achievement. Let’s face it, people will often feel a little aloof when they knew that you are studying law or you are a Lawyer. They would always think that you like winning the argument and they wouldn’t have any say for anything. But in reality, we do not want it. There are times we would prepare to say nothing  than to hear you saying that everyone should listen for we might sue any of you. We wanted to be treated the same despite being weird with the kind of lifestyle we have. Law school life is not easy, it never was and it never will. But despite of it, there still some who take the risk of joining and trying not just their luck but everything. We may be deprive of the pleasure that life could bring and be pressured with all the life could offer, we still stood and choose this path. Why? It’s not just because of the four letter word to be added on our name once we pass the bar. Nor the fame we could get once we surpassed the challenge of law school. But  because of the sense of purpose we’ll be getting for every case closed and happiness we’ll  bring for every family we extend our service. That’s what you call life. That’s what law school thought us about life. LEARN. SERVE. HAPPINESS.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Update. Long time no post.

It's been a while since I posted something here in my site. Oh well. It's always my sched that keeps me grounded from doing this. And I super missed this much. Just last summer I brought a new pink notebook.haha. So I get updated with my freinds even just thru the social network since my busy sched again would not permits me to visit them once in a while. And so I thought I could be updated, but unfortunately still no time to browse those sites nor has a time to open my notebook. Yes I'm too damn busy.  I've switched my carreer from being a korean teacher to a full time DELL accounts assoc. And it's not always about money but its about love. haha. I'll share that soon. haha. I'll flood my site soon. And that's a promise to myself. i'll be back in writing. I promise.

Things that Marshi wants to do before leaving the earth:

1. Be a Lawyer.
2. Publish a book.
3. Build my dream house.
4. Build a classroom in my adopted community.
5. Be the best wife and mom.
6. Travel the whole world.
7. Produce a concert.
8. Go back to my old school and have my speech.
9. Teach Filipino students.

my two cents worth..

I started blogging when I was a sophomore college student. It was just a free site offered by friendster. com. that time blogging was not that a thing. It was more of a hobby of releasing your thoughts through those keys. I had so many site but unfortunately most of them got no space already that is why I created this one. This is my own way of sharing my personal views. I'm not a back stabber. I can shout right in front of you if I know that I'm telling the truth and you're juts doing your shit. I'm not patient in waiting but I'm trying to be. I'm hard headed. I fight for what I believe is right but I also knew when to raise my white flag. I don't easily forgive and forget. I value education that is why I hate seeing students cutting their classes just for the sake of enjoying with their friends. I'm not a grade concious nor a role model of the campus. I'm just one of those students whom everyone thought would just make a shit but surprisingly do a hit. You might think I'm bragging but I'm not. I always believe that I'm still the little girl raised in my home town. Little enough to look up but big enough to chase. I still need to search for myself. Make the neccesary adjustment to fit the world and have my own identity. I owe everything to this world. I might look a bratt but I knew when to bow my head and kneel if standing was going difficult. I owe everything not just to my Lord and my parents but for everyone who've hurted, disppointed and made me feel small for those are the reasons why I keep on searching for myself and putting my best forward.

" Righteousness??hindi lang sa hindi ka gumagawa ng mali..kelangan mo din gumawa ng tama.."


fyi (2) Law school (4) Life (6) love (2) luck (2) marshi (1) odd (2) oldies (1) principle (1) random (1) singles (4) workaholic (2)